Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Oooh. This thing is F U N ! !

Three more lessons to go, then its off to New Mexico for my Type Rating. Hopefully.
Picture credits go to Alex, one of our DC based captains. Alex rode in the back and took these photos while I was enjoying lesson 3. This first picture is shot just as I am lining up on the runway for takeoff.

If you notice the center screen (MFD) is dark. This was a simulated problem and I am reading the checklist in order to fix the issue.

This should be about 50 degrees of bank or so as I am demonstrating steep turns. The goal being to do 2 linked 360 degree turns and stay within 100 feet of your intial altitude.

Hey! There's snow down there. The funny thing about steep turns in this plane is when you exceed 2 G's the gear starts to be pulled out of it's stowed position so the gear motors start running automatically to re-seat them. The locks that hold the gear up are only rated to 2 G's.

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